Chair of the Comal County Libertarian Party

I asked my father when I was young, “why does it matter so much to voters that a candidate is a Christian?” It seemed completely irrelevant to me after learning that there is supposed to be separation between church and state. He said that people liked to know that the candidate had values and that everyone knew the values of Christianity. It was like knowing their First Principles and the core of their philosophy I guess. Maybe that worked back then, I don’t know, but it doesn’t seem to be reliable any more. The best thing about the libertarians is that we all share a set of First Principles that we build off of. Its the same kind of thing you learn in Kindergarten or the common rules you can expect parents want their kids to follow at the park.
Don’t hurt people,
Don’t take their stuff, and
Keep your promises.
Seems easy enough, and the vast majority of people live this way their entire lives. But for some reason, these golden rules are thrown out when it comes to politics. Our politicians make laws criminalizing peaceful, voluntary activities, they are always trying to figure out how to steal more of our money, and they almost never keep their campaign promises.
As a libertarian, I want to return our freedom and unshackle us from the heavy burden of obscene taxation. And someone needs to be the voice that says “NO!” No we shouldn’t keep raising property taxes! No, we shouldn’t build miles and miles of sidewalks that we don’t intend to maintain and no one uses! No we don’t need to take money from the State or National Government, adding to our debts or restricting us to their will. Comal County is the second fastest growing county in the nation. The people moving here are building nice houses and greatly increasing the tax revenue in proportion to their needs for added infrastructure. Why are property taxes going up? They should be going down. As Commissioner, I will hold one fifth of the vote for how the entire budget of Comal County gets spent. Maybe it’s time for someone to be in that room who isn’t interested in power or running peoples lives. Who isn’t interested in doling out favors or taking selfies with Senators and Congressman. A voice of reason who will represent you by doing everything I can to get my small piece of government to leave you alone.
If you agree with me, I would be honored to have your vote.